That's some Rammstein vibes
That's some Rammstein vibes
Thanks a ton!
Good sound!
Thank you!
Simple but kinda chilly. I like this :)
Ay thank you! Yeah its simple, but at least now I have a good template for some more stuff in the same vein down the road, hopefully more complex :)
Sounds okay, keep it up :)
ty <3
Норм, удлинить до 3-ёх минут и получится фулл)
Any song in this album sounds nice or at least decent. Good job!
Thanks so much dude!! I worked super hard on it!
Every song in this album slaps somehow, wow
Thanks so much!! I made it with lots of love <3
Okay, that sounds f-ing sick
Thanks! : D
*вставьте сюда мем с качающим головой котом*
Кхе. =)
Just a composer who makes music for fun and loves Newgrounds.
Newgrounds User
Joined on 9/22/21