I like the concept of this event, basically reviewers are saying what they think a perfect song would be
I like the concept of this event, basically reviewers are saying what they think a perfect song would be
Never heard smth like this before
I like it
Ориг конечно больше нравится, но версия чисто на пианино тоже норм звучит
Нормас, мне нравится
Кстати, underscore прав насчёт названия, это всё-таки Artifact
UPD: тут 100% инфу сказать не могу, гугл переводчик мне перевёл как artifact
Хз я тож смотрел вроде ArtEfact
But seriously, hard and good remix, I love it
That sounds like some good MF DOOM stuff, keep it up!
damn that's high praise. Thanks
I mean... Ok?
Sounds really good, keep your work up!
Just a composer who makes music for fun and loves Newgrounds.
Newgrounds User
Joined on 9/22/21