Still sounds genuinely great even after 15 years.
Still sounds genuinely great even after 15 years.
Truly the legendary one.
Sounds really incredible, this one goes to my chill playlist as well.
That's... Wow. Good track.
Sounds really powerful.
That's unnecessarily good for background music to me
Thank you, Niko!!
Wow, that genuinely sounds great. Nice work :)
Not your best work honestly.
Also I can't imagine Waterflame making industrial somehow
He does make industrial, there’s stuff like dormant, or strike beam, or ttlol pt2, as well as many others, like machine politics, control: damage, clockwork maze, pain engine, and relentless, waterflame is capable of any genre! Not just techno and video game
But yeah, this isn’t my best, I made this for fun basically, I’m practicing my industrial genre
Just a composer who makes music for fun and loves Newgrounds.
Newgrounds User
Joined on 9/22/21