This goes to my 'chilling' playlist, thanks :)
This goes to my 'chilling' playlist, thanks :)
Anyone put a scream at the end of this
Nice one!
This goes to my chill playlist, thanks :)
Glad to hear that :D
Why tf the score is SO low? It's not so bad as it can be.
people dont like weebs xD
"Oh, nice little artist just like me! Let's see..."
> 3,000+ listens
Also, the song itself is very cool :)
I know right?! I got featured on the front page when I uploaded it... Haha. Thanks for the vote 😀
Да вайтлистните вы его уже в GD, я хочу посмотреть реакцию строителей уровней на его песни.
У меня уже есть вайтлист! Я его давно получил! Мож чекнуть!
Nice song dude!
Thank you verry much
I will call it "simple song" compared to some things I've heard on NG, good work
Just a composer who makes music for fun and loves Newgrounds.
Newgrounds User
Joined on 9/22/21