This might go hard with a proper background. Good job nonetheless.
This might go hard with a proper background. Good job nonetheless.
Was gonna add one but opted for the white to emulate the style of Bengus and Daigo, who's work is usually backgroundless or on a white background (since it's typically meant to be put in instruction manuals or magazines)
Not bad I gotta say, keep it up
Yotsuba | | Yotsuba (now with a clown nose)
i can hear the *squish* sound just by looking at this
That's a sick one, nice work :)
hey thanks, I appreciate it!
7'6? bro can work as a lamppost lol
that moment when you don't know the context behind it... Nice art nonetheless
It honestly looks like sonic mania concept arts to me and I genuinely don't know why. Great work though!
Heck of a compliment, thanks!!
Damn, that's a good one
Just a composer who makes music for fun and loves Newgrounds.
Newgrounds User
Joined on 9/22/21