I decided to not continue this challenge cause because
- With the last year of school, exams and a lot of other things filling my schedule, this year is already gonna be tough on its own and filling it even more doesn't seem logical;
- I will (and honestly, already starting to) hate making something new every single day;
- I'm already out of song ideas, therefore the quality has dropped (the last song is literally a pad and a drum beat, cmon)
I wish people that are still going with this challenge like @VictorLincolnPine, @Aalasteir, @DaxCamdaxian, @Apronax, @GizzyKittyMusic, @V1ZION, @RatedKid, @hallowingpoint would keep going and complete the Jamuary. I believe in you guys :)
Hey, good luck with everything! This is my first Jamuary so I’m not the one to ask but I think it’s about fun, and if it’s not offering you fun then that’s okay. Good luck with college! Thanks for believing in us :o
P.S.: in your third point you described my (second?) favorite genre, atmospheric DnB. :p